- According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , an estimated 17 million human beings worldwide have died from the disease kardivascular particularly heart attacks and strokes. Based on data from the WHO , the heart disease should be a serious concern for the world community in order to reduce the death rate is not increasing in the coming era. A few simple lifestyle changes can be beneficial tremendous heart to nourish the organs that we have. Here are 5 lifestyle to a healthier heart:
1. Familiarize exercising in more regularly. Exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease figures are 40 per cent. It's hard to take the time to exercise , start insufficient rest or sleep time at night , so you can be like waking up early in the morning to exercise.
2. Control your weight. Has the ideal body weight or proportional not only beautiful diliat by the eyes of others , but also healthy for one's body. In this case , excess weight can be attributed to attempts to discuss the potential risk of heart disease that attacks the organs of your heart.
3. Stop smoking start now. Smoking may be one of the bad habits that are hard to break for some people. But you know , smoking is one of the main triggers for heart disease that you will experience. So it all comes back to the strong will of you , to begin to quit the smoking habit.
4. Routine checking heart condition. In this case , start to consult a cardiologist to check the health condition of your heart organ. You can also ask questions about all things related to tips on maintaining the correct heart organ.
5. Press the rising stress levels. Do not force your body and mind that you have to continue to work every time. End of the week vacation or excursion can relax the body and mind. So the health of the body including the heart will continue to be maintained.