- Tired of the facial skin with acne? Skin acne is annoying yes Ladies! because they want to try beauty products , acne scared even multiply. Well , not to worry , because nature has to offer mint leaves as the most effective acne solution.
There are several ways to utilize the mint leaves your acne prone skin. The easiest first way is to puree a few sprigs of mint leaves in a blender , then store in the refrigerator.
Then , with a cotton bud or cotton , rubbed on the acne scars areas. Let stand for 20 minutes , then rinse with cold water. Do it twice a week to lighten acne scars.
You can also mix the juice of mint leaves with a spoonful of oats as a facial scrub. This mixture will moisturize the face , mengagkat dead skin cells , as well as eradicate dark spots acne scars from the skin.
To reduce the levels of excess oil causes acne , you can try a third way , namely by making masks from a mixture of mint leaves and clay. Put two tablespoons of powdered clay into a bowl , add 1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint leaves and water to taste , and mix well. Apply evenly on face and neck and leave on for 15 minutes.
After external use , do not forget to enjoy the benefits of mint leaves internally too , Ladies! You can eat them raw as is , or use as a mixture of fruit juice or salad. Perform routine and feel the difference on your skin , Ladies!